It has been almost 2 years since I last posted. Life has a way of taking over. My beloved grandson Elliott was born in March 2013. I waited a long time for him to come along and I am lucky I get to see him almost everyday.
In June I retired from being a Kindergarten teacher. It was a big decision because I love my K Kids so much. But I was finding that my patience was running thin and I wanted to leave the classroom before I became that "crabby old teacher"
I have been working with Gail Harker for the last 8 years. She teaches a series of two year long classes for fabric art people. I have learned so much from her over the years, many different techniques including how to dye my own fabric and threads. She also has taught me about the elements of art and design. This last course that I just completed with an exhibition was all about art and design. We worked in paint and paper which for me was a huge stretch. Unlike my K Kids I would freeze everytime I tried to put paint to paper. But at the same time I learned so much about design. Gail has given me more words to describe my process.
My inspirational source for this two year study was birds, bugs and beasts. For some reason I became fascinated by beetles. I loved their legs, the division of space of their bodies and the diverse colors. I made these early in the course.
We were to make a big piece. I call this my bug wall. Believe it or not the inspiration for these four strips came from the back of a beetle. I immediately loved the negative and positive space between the strips and worked hard to get variation in size and shape. Then I had to face my nemesis of painting paper. We were asked to analyze an artist and I chose Eric Carle the children's author. I loved his bold animals and that he loves primary saturated colors like I do. Through my research I discovered that he painted on tissue paper. Well that gave my way in. I could easily play on 30 sheets of tissue paper that I had purchased for $1.99. But my tissue paper was so busy that I soon determined that it was not going to work for my bug wall. So I started painting on expensive paper and amazingly I really like it. Next I set out to make all the bugs. Cutting shapes out of paper is something I grew to really enjoy and look forward to more exploration in this area.
There is one last 2 year course in the series with Gail. We get to take this body of work into stitch. Hurray! I am not sure I will continue my exploration of bugs. Right now my mind is full of ideas of how to put my design work on birds into stitch.
We will see but now that I am retired I am planning on posting more frequently. And I will let you see what I come up with.